Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Decemberb12, 2012

The Turning of the Year
     In the early years of Man the turning of the Seasons were mystical and fearful times.  Since they were more attuned to the changes in the natural world they would see that the days were beginning to shorten and the nights were growing progressively longer.  They would set groups of people to sit watch and make sure that no harm came unannounced. 
     This is the time when storytelling was born.  As night came on preparations by the adults would require that young children be left to themselves.  In order to keep them calm and distracted from the bustle and tension in the nearby adults; an elder, usually, someone who could no longer keep watch or provide for a family, would begin by telling them simple stories of the people they knew.  They would embellish the good qualities of their leaders and wise men and work in the mores and rules of their society as well.
     This Season of long nights, may you find Joy in new and old stories. May you find Wonder in the eyes of a Child.  May you find Cheer in Friends and Family and if you are feeling alone and frightened through these long winter nights, take Heart, find a storyteller or be one.  Visit a Senior citizen's home, a homeless shelter, a Church, or other religious congregation.  Don't self isolate or take that step into darkness that you can't retract.  Reach out of the Dark and find another person. 

May God Bless you all and keep you in the palm of His Hand.